Below is a calendar of classes (local and on-line), workshops, presentations, and other scheduled events, many of them free:

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Journal to the Self Online Class
January 19, 2017 - March 1, 2017
$175.00Event Navigation
In this 6-week online course:
- Learn 16 ways to use a journal for personal growth, creative expression, and life enrichment;
- Write on your own schedule;
- Participate in class discussions, with ongoing support from the instructor;
- For certified or licensed counselors, earn 12 hours of Continuing Education Units;*
- For those seeking Journal to the Self Instructor Certification, complete the first of three required steps.
*Note for Certified or Licensed Counselors wishing to earn 12 continuing education credits for the six week Journal to the Self online class: The Center for Journal Therapy of Denver, CO is an NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP™) and a co-sponsor of this program. The Center for Journal Therapy may award NBCC-approved clock hours for events or programs that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP maintains responsibility for the content of this event.
In addition to the cost of the class students will need to order this workbook.